Amie Zimmerman
Untitled XVI
oh pearled body oh sick pearl oh forked pearl of sickness
oh tongue of sadness oh of oh licked asshole oh none
oh clean fork oh split halved oh come came oh bright thread
oh pearled fork oh no oh no oh turned signal oh turn
oh dull brightness oh bright fade oh fate oh hum hum hum
oh meat bird oh weekend traveler oh time turned
oh straight shift oh extinct clam oh irritant oh street
oh sacred thigh oh swish oh swi— oh laundry basket
oh boulders of empathy oh bright tongue oh stroke
oh clean street oh split fork oh facile ending oh slop
oh meat of sickness oh irritating bystander
oh laundered extinction oh halved oh sacred brine
Amie Zimmerman is from Portland, Oregon. Her work has been published in Sixth Finch, the tiny, pulpmouth, The Iowa Review, blush lit, and Paperbag, among others. She is the author of four chapbooks, including Compliance (Essay Press, 2018) and, with artist Samantha Wall, 31 Days/The Self (Ursus Americanus, 2021). Currently, Amie works as a hairstylist and PhD student in upstate New York.